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Congratulations on completing the Book of Mark Challenge!

Thank you for taking the time to complete this challenge. We believe that you should feel your sense of reward already and that we need not add anything else;
however, if you would like we can, and would like to, do the following:

Add your accomplishment to the count of successful challengers

Generate a Certificate of Completion that we will email to you

Tell me how I can become a Christian!
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To generate your Certificate of Completion, please provide your name and email address. We will email you your certificate. Note: We will not save your name or email, nor use them for any commercial purposes.

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**Used to email you a copy of your Certificate of Completion (not saved)
Completed Challenge - Christian Prayer
To become a Christian, allow God into your life, and begin following Jesus you just need to pray a prayer like the following:

“Heavenly Father, thank you for touching my heart and giving me the faith to believe in your son Jesus who died for me and paid for my sins upon the cross. I believe he was the Holy one of God and was raised from the dead to prove he had conquered death and that I am now justified before you through Him. I give my life to you now and ask that you teach me and guide me through the Holy Sprit to walk in Jesus’ ways and teachings in this life, and that I will spend eternity in Heaven. In the name of Jesus I pray.”

Now you are a Christian, and we strongly suggest you find a church to help you grow in your faith. You should also ask to be baptized as Jesus
instructed as an outward confession and witness to others of your new faith.
